
Posts Tagged ‘dress’

An introduction of sorts.

As I write this, the bebe is asleep, it’s a Saturday night, and I’m thinking about what I might do while my dad and step-mother take the bebe for a swim and a frolic tomorrow afternoon. This has turned into a regular event, where they scoop her up after her midday nap, bundle her into the car and come back when they have run out of food for her to consume. She’s nearly eight months old. For me, this kind of freedom is heaven.

So this week I cheated a little by crafting on a Saturday afternoon, making a dress for the wee one for winter. It is part of my plan for her low-maintenance, I-can-change-nappies-easily winter wardrobe. Plus making clothes for small people, I have discovered, is a quick-fix way to feel awesome.


In addition to this dress being awesome, it was also practically free. I bought the velvet when I was 11, in a bid to make a hat. Fortunately for everyone involved, that plan never came into fruition. Polka dot material is another unused purchase, from 2005, with plenty of material left over to make whatever it was I planned to make five years ago. Pocket is made with a scrap from what I like to call my ‘pool table dress’ though let’s not get into the connotations of that name. Buttons, as always, from an opshop button jar…

The dress is short enough to stay out of her way when she starts crawling next week (yes, it is going to happen next week whether I am ready or not). I traced around a dress bought for her from somewhere I won’t name in case they HUNT ME DOWN and stop my crafty little brain from working out how something is made.

All up, a very successful Saturday crafternoon, making use of a willing and watchful Aunty and a crafty brain moment of clarity. So, what to do tomorrow? Perhaps something for myself, though probably not so instantly gratifying… unless, of course, it’s baking… hmm…

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